This page is a guide to installing a Shibboleth 3.x IdP - based on the Installing a Shibboleth 2.x IdP page, but updated for Shibboleth IdP version 3. This page assumes the IdP would be installed on a minimal-OS-install-only Linux system (typically a virtual machine) and follows from that point on. The IdP will be installed with the Shibboleth IdP application.
This guide is periodically updated as new versions of the software installed become available. This guide is current for IdP 3.4.0, the latest versions available as of October 2018. The guide assumes the Linux distribution would be CentOS/RHEL 7 with Tomcat7 (required). It should be possible to also use this for other Linux distribution / other operating systems, varying as needed.
If you are interested in upgrading an existing IdP to the latest release, please see Upgrading a Shibboleth 3.x IdP.
For instructions on upgrading a 2.x IdP to 3.x, please see Upgrading a 2.x IdP to 3.x.
If you are interested in linking an existing IdP into Tuakiri, please see Configuring a Shibboleth Identity Provider to join the Tuakiri Federation.
) and a static IP address.Your Identity Management System (IdMS) will very likely have most of the attributes asked for by the federation - or will have enough information to synthesize the specific attribute values on the fly inside the IdP. But for some attributes, the IdMS might not have enough information. The following information should be considered for adding into your IdMS:
eduPersonEntitlement: The eduPersonEntitlement attribute is a storage container for values representing privileges to access resources within the federation. It is a multi-valued string attribute. The values will have the form of a URI - with specific values that are yet to be defined. The attribute definition details are (source: Attribute Recommendation 2.1 (PDF), page 14):
Origin/ObjectClass: eduPerson [eduPerson]
SAML attribute name: urn:mace:dir:attribute-def:eduPersonEntitlement
LDAP syntax: directoryString []
Number of values: Multiple
Example values: eduPersonEntitlement:
This attribute can also be defined as a static attribute. If you would prefer not to modify your IdMS schema and do not have any eduPersonEntitlement values to release, it is OK to initially only define the attribute as static inside the IdP. For more information on this option, please see the notes on configuring eduPersonEntitlement as a static attribute further below in this document.
auEduPersonSharedToken: The auEduPersonSharedToken uniquely identifies users when accessing certain resources - particularly within the computational grid and data grid. The values should be opaque, non-reassignable and persistent - and transferrable when a user moves between institutions. Even though the values are typically created as hash-values on first use, they MUST be stored and each institution must be ready to accept values users already have when coming from another institution. The attribute can be stored in either the IdMS directly (preferred) or in a database. The attribute definition details are (source: Attribute Recommendation 2.1 (PDF), pages 9-10, with OID updated to correct value):
Origin/ObjectClass: auEduPerson
SAML attribute name
LDAP syntax: directoryString []
Number of values: Single
Example values: ZsiAvfxa0BXULgcz7QXknbGtfxk
See also the auEduPerson LDAP Schema Definition (pages 45-52) for exact LDAP definition snippets.
This auEduPersonSharedToken values can also be stored locally in a MySQL database. If you would prefer not to modify your IdMS schema, you can also choose the local database option - at the cost of not having all of your primary identity information in your IdMS. Please see the instructions on defining the sharedToken attribute further below for more detail.
eduPersonAssurance: This attribute represents the Levels of Assurance. Either add the attribute into the IdMS directly, or start collecting enough information to synthesize the values later in a scripted attribute definition (like done for Affiliation below). The attribute definition details are (source: Attribute Recommendation 2.1 (PDF), page 13):
Origin/ObjectClass: eduPerson
SAML attribute name: urn:oid:
LDAP syntax: directoryString []
Number of values: multiple
Example values: See AAF IdentityLoA Vocabulary
For detailed information on the requirements, please refer to the NIST SP 800-63-1* standard
As the federation is moving to centralized management of Levels-Of-Assurance, it is recommend to at this moment only define the attribute as a static attribute releasing the floor-of-trust values. Please see the notes on configuring eduPersonAssurance as a static attribute further below in this document.
A typical default firewall configuration on RedHat systems permits only incoming SSH. To permit incoming connections to ports 443 and 8443:
On RHEL/CentOS 7 with firewalld (and with a single default zone) run:
firewall-cmd --add-service=https
firewall-cmd --add-port=8443/tcp
firewall-cmd --permanent --add-service=https
firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=8443/tcp
On systems using plain iptables (more likely on RHEL/CentOS 6), edit /etc/sysconfig/iptables
and add rules to permit incoming traffic to ports 443 and 8443; add the following just below the rule for port 22:
-A RH-Firewall-1-INPUT -m state --state NEW -m tcp -p tcp --dport 443 -j ACCEPT
-A RH-Firewall-1-INPUT -m state --state NEW -m tcp -p tcp --dport 8443 -j ACCEPT
And restart iptables:
service iptables restart
Please remember that besides the incoming connections discussed here, the IdP also needs outgoing connections to TCP ports 80 and 443, and also to UDP port 514 for Centralized logging (more details below)
Outgoing connections are open in the default configuration of a local RHEL/CentOS firewall, but please make sure the perimeter firewall permits these connections too.
We assume a standard install of either CentOS or RHEL, version 7. The IdP web application (as of version 3) needs Tomcat at least at version 7 (or the upstream instructions recommend Jetty). Also, the IdP java binaries are compiled in class format 51.0 and need Java7. However, given that Java7 is being phased out, the IdP works well with Java8, and the compatibility issues (see the Scripted Attributes section below) are easy to resolve, we recommend installing Java8 on platforms where it’s available (which does include CentOS/RHEL 7).
There are known issues with LDAP on Java versions higher then Java8. We recommend running a 3.x IdP with Java8. (In IdP 4.x, which requires Java 11, this issue is taken care of).
If you need to run a 3.x IdP with Java version higher then Java8, please see the upstream documentation.
Apache with mod_ssl, Java8 (with javac):
yum install httpd mod_ssl java-1.8.0-openjdk java-1.8.0-openjdk-devel
MySQL is not strictly required and an alternative database system may be used if already available on site - just use the corresponding JDBC drivers for the alternative database. As of CentOS 7, the available MySQL server package is MariaDB
yum install mariadb mariadb-server
Install NTP (if time synchronization is to be done inside the VM)
yum install ntp
Useful debugging / sysadmin tools
yum install openldap-clients wireshark-gnome mc strace subversion
Install Tomcat:
yum install tomcat
Historically, this document was recommending to install Tomcat7 from JPackage. As this document is being updated for CentOS/RHEL 7, and the default tomcat on these systems is version 7, this is no longer needed. (Also, the JPackage repository appears to be no longer maintained). And even for CentOS/RHEL 6, EPEL now provides Tomcat7. The original instructions are at Install Tomcat 7 on CentOS 6
. If your organisation is not providing one, you may use an external source (including the default servers listed in /etc/ntp.conf
) - but make sure your firewall allows the NTP traffic through (outgoing UDP port 123 traffic + reply packets).
Do a one-off synchronization:
ntpdate -s
Edit /etc/ntp.conf
and fudge
)The local time server:
Make ntpd start on system startup:
chkconfig ntpd on
Start ntpd now:
service ntpd start
Check ntpd is running and synchronizing: run
ntpdc -p
RHEL/CentOS distributions (both 6 and 7) come with SELinux.
SELinux improves the security of the system and we recommend leaving SELinux turned on.
Up until late 2017, Tomcat was running in the unconfined context and the IdP web application did not directly benefit from SELinux, but even so, at least Apache interactions were controlled by SELinux. And the only SELinux-specific step this manual had to cover was permitting the Apache to LDAP communication needed for ECP.
As of late 2017 (RHEL/CentOS 7.4), Tomcat runs in a confined domain. This has serious impact on operating an IdP - as the IdP web application running inside Tomcat now runs under SELinux restrictions, it now needs all actions explicitly permitted.
We still recommend running with SELinux in enforcing mode. A new section (Configuring SELinux for Tomcat) further below details the steps needed. Please follow the instructions carefully - otherwise, the IdP would fail to start.
On RHEL/CentOS7, the mariadb-server
package by default configures the MySQL server with:
, ''
, '::1'
, and also the hostname of the system). These accounts have no initial password set.'localhost'
, one for the hostname of the system,test
database where the anonymous account has full permissions.Actual ways of securing the MySQL server may depend on local security policy, but overall, our recommendations are:
database.The following MySQL code does that - just substitute your chosen password - you can create one e.g. with: openssl rand -base64 24
DROP USER ''@'localhost';
DELETE FROM mysql.user WHERE user='' and host=@@global.hostname;
UPDATE mysql.user SET password=PASSWORD('MySQL-root-password') WHERE user='root';
And, you can check the list of users with:
SELECT user,host,password FROM mysql.user;
There should be no anonymous users (username blank) and all accounts should have a password set (displayed as hash, but should be non-blank).
From the very beginning, we will install the Shibboleth IdP:
Having done these steps early in the installation prevents them from slipping later on.
Please note that historically, this guide was separately documenting installation of the uApprove application for users to grant consent over attribute release. This application has now been integrated into the main IdP application as the consent module - and is therefore installed (and enabled) in a basic IdPV3 deployment.
The IdP installation paths (IDP_HOME) will be /opt/shibboleth-idp
Your IdP hostname will be
Your scope, home organization name and security domain will be
Your IdP entityId will be
The Shibboleth IdP installation directory (from where Shibboleth IdP software is installed) will be /root/inst/shibboleth-identity-provider-<version>
- and the name of the directory will be stored in SHIB_INST_HOME
(here, we assume version is 3.2.1
Configure the corresponding environment variable: create /etc/profile.d/ with the following content (and make the file executable):
Check for the most recent version of Shibboleth IdP at
Create an installation directory and download Shibboleth
mkdir /root/inst
cd /root/inst
tar xzf shibboleth-identity-provider-${IDP_VERSION}.tar.gz
Invoke installer
sh ./bin/
if suitable.Enter the passphrase to protect the generated keystores (back-channel and cookie encryption). It is acceptable to use the phrase “changeit” (as the files are protected by filesystem permissions and the phrase itself is also stored in files on the same filesystem).
About re-running the installer
In general, it should not be necessary to re-run the installer.
, but would preserve the (assuming compatible) configuration files in $IDP_HOME/conf
.To just rebuild the WAR file, run $IDP_HOME/bin/
The installer has generated three separate certificates+keypairs for back-channel, signing, and encryption. The back-channel private key was only stored in a Java keystore, but for Apache, we need it converted to the PEM format. Run the following command (and when prompted for the keystore passphrase, enter the default passphrase “changeit”):
openssl pkcs12 -in $IDP_HOME/credentials/idp-backchannel.p12 -out $IDP_HOME/credentials/idp-backchannel.key -nocerts -nodes
Create /etc/tomcat/Catalina/localhost/idp.xml
with the following content:
<Context docBase="/opt/shibboleth-idp/war/idp.war"
swallowOutput="true" />
Historically, the installation process involved deploying XML parser libraries as endorsed libraries in Tomcat. Since IdP 2.4.3, this is no longer needed and the step has been removed.
Connectors: in /etc/tomcat/server.xml
, define a new AJP connector at port 8009.
Tomcat7 already has this connector defined, but in an insecure way that would be opening the connector to outside connections as well. Comment the original definition out and instead put this definition in.
<Connector port="8009" address=""
enableLookups="false" redirectPort="443" protocol="AJP/1.3"
secretRequired="false" />
And comment out the existing http connector defined for port 8080:
<Connector port="8080" maxHttpHeaderSize="8192"
maxThreads="150" minSpareThreads="25" maxSpareThreads="75"
enableLookups="false" redirectPort="8443" acceptCount="100"
connectionTimeout="20000" disableUploadTimeout="true" />
Edit /etc/sysconfig/tomcat
and add (reasonably adjust according to the VM size):
JAVA_OPTS="-Xms768m -Xmx1536m"
Historically, due to a bug in JPackage bundle of Tomcat7, settings in /etc/tomcat7/tomcat7.conf
were ignored and we therefore recommended putting all Tomcat settings into /etc/sysconfig/tomcat7
With RHEL/CentOS7 Tomcat being managed by systemd, this bug (in startup script interaction) is now irrelevant. However, we still recommend putting the memory settings into /etc/sysconfig/tomcat
, as it is compatible with Tomcat per-instance configuration.
The IdPV3 code relies on the web application container having support for JSTL, but Tomcat7 comes packaged without JSTL. Therefore, install JSTL (version 1.2.1, API and implementation jars) into /usr/share/tomcat/lib
: download from and (credits:
wget -O /usr/share/tomcat/lib/javax.servlet.jsp.jstl-api-1.2.1.jar ''
wget -O /usr/share/tomcat/lib/javax.servlet.jsp.jstl-1.2.1.jar ''
Apache needs to be configured to:
Note: historically, this guide used to recommend to disable SSL session cache to work around a bug - while the bug was never fully tracked, the current version of OpenSSL/ShibbolethSP/httpd/mod_ssl no longer demonstrate this bug, so for performance reasons, we recommend keep SSL session caching turned on. Also, as the bug was in the back-channel communication which is rarely used with SAML2, even the impact in the unlikely case the bug reoccurs should be quite minimal.
To make Apache listen at ports 443 and 8443, create /etc/httpd/conf.d/ports.conf
(or install from ports.conf) with
Listen 443
Listen 8443 https
Listen 80
directive in /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
In idp.conf
, configure the SSL VirtualHost to use the commercial certificate issued for your IdP
Apache 2.4.8+ marks SSLCertificateChainFile
as deprecated. The recommended approach on Apache 2.4.8+ for inserting intermediate CA certificates is to append them to the server certificate specified with SSLCertificateFile
- sorted from leaf to root.
However, as RHEL/CentOS7 only comes with Apache 2.4.6 (as of August 2016), the recommended approach on these systems is to still use a separate CA certificate chain file with the SSLCertificateChainFile
<Location /idp/Authn/RemoteUser>
- all users will be authenticating via the Tomcat login screen.SSLProtocol
line and uncomment the second SSLProtocol
Earlier versions of idp.conf
(between January and December 2018) were enabling HSTS by default - instructing browsers to remember to only accept secure connections to the IdP
Since IdP 3.4.0, the IdP provides this functionality (setting the Strict-Transport-Security header) and so the HSTS setting has been retracted from the idp.conf
template - and we instead recommend to use the functionality built into the IdP application.
Make a backup of your ssl.conf
cd /etc/httpd/conf.d/
cp ssl.conf ssl.conf.dist
**Listen 443**
(because we now have the directive in ports.conf
).Earlier documentation was instructing to create backup copies of all configuration file before modifying them - to easily identify locally made changes. This is no longer necessary since the version 3 installer creates pristine copies of all configuration files under /opt/shibboleth-idp/dist/conf
Earlier documentation was instructing to modify the generated metadata and fix the scope. This is no longer necessary because:
However, the contents of $IDP_HOME/metadata/idp-metadata.xml
is served by the IdP at the URL corresponding to the default IdP entityID -
If this URL is used anywhere to obtain the IdP metadata (we recommend against this practice, as it is insecure and fragile, but this gets used in some bilateral setups), this file will have to be kept up-to-date with the actual IdP metadata. However, the installer should initially create it with the correct contents.
Please note that historically (in IdP 2.x), the IdP was also loading its own metadata. This is no longer needed and the $IDP_HOME/metadata/idp-metadata.xml
file now exists only for informative purposes.
Configure the IdP to use secure cookies: by default Shibboleth IdP 3.x uses session cookies not marked as secure - which means the browser would also send them over a plain unencrypted HTTP connection.
Mark the cookies as secure by adding the following line into $IDP_HOME/conf/
: = true
The IdP can authenticate against a number of sources, but here we assume the authentication would be done against an LDAP directory server. For other options, please see theprimary documentation at
By default IdPV3 already comes with a login screen (which needs to be branded with institutional logo, as discussed later on below).
While an IdP uses an LDAP server for both authentication and for resolving user attributes, these are configured as separate connections. However, the way configuration files are organized in IdPV3, both of them can be configured in $IDP_HOME/conf/
- and this way, it is enough to configure the settings just once for the authentication part - and the attribute resolver by default copies the authentication settings.
The exact settings would very much depend on your exact LDAP server settings (and e.g., whether it requires TLS/SSL, whether it’s using a self-signed certificate or a private root CA), but the settings below are what would typically need to be done (see the snippet just below for concrete examples):
property - defaulting to certificateTrust
: use the trust store that comes with the Java VM (default set of trusted CA certificates)certificateTrust
: trust a single certificate pointed to by idp.authn.LDAP.trustCertificates
(defaults to %{idp.home}/credentials/ldap-server.crt
, can be either the LDAP server certificate directly or a local CA root).keyStoreTrust
: trust certificates in a separate keystore, pointed to by idp.authn.LDAP.trustStore
(defaults to %{idp.home}/credentials/ldap-server.truststore
, can be either the LDAP server certificate directly or a local CA root).idp.authn.LDAP.sslConfig
setting must still point to a policy that can successfully initialize. And the default certificateTrust
policy does not initialize if the certificate does not exist. So with switching TLS off, it is also necessary to to set idp.authn.LDAP.sslConfig=jvmTrust
These are typical settings for a simple LDAP server:
idp.authn.LDAP.authenticator = bindSearchAuthenticator
idp.authn.LDAP.ldapURL = ldap://
idp.authn.LDAP.baseDN = ou=People,dc=example,dc=org
idp.authn.LDAP.bindDN = cn=read,dc=example,dc=org
idp.authn.LDAP.bindDNCredential = PASSWORD-GOES-HERE
# in IdP 3.2.x only
#idp.attribute.resolver.LDAP.returnAttributes = displayName,mail,uid
idp.authn.LDAP.useStartTLS = false
# As we are not setting trustCertificates/trustStore, switch the sslConfig to point to jvmTrust to avoid errors for broken references....
idp.authn.LDAP.sslConfig = jvmTrust
And these are the settings for an Active Directory server:
idp.authn.LDAP.authenticator = bindSearchAuthenticator
# explicit failover over multiple DCs
idp.authn.LDAP.ldapURL = ldap:// ldap:// ldap://
idp.authn.LDAP.baseDN = ou=People,dc=example,dc=org
idp.authn.LDAP.bindDN = cn=read,dc=example,dc=org
idp.authn.LDAP.bindDNCredential = PASSWORD-GOES-HERE
# in IdP 3.2.x only
# idp.attribute.resolver.LDAP.returnAttributes = displayName,mail,sAMAccountName
idp.authn.LDAP.subtreeSearch = true
idp.authn.LDAP.userFilter = (sAMAccountName={user})
# leave TLS on
# deploy local root CA certificate as $IDP_HOME/credentials/ldap-server.crt
The default behavior for LDAP is to perform a case-insensitive search for username. And the default behavior for the IdP is to accept the username in exactly the form as entered by the user. Which can lead to inconsistent behavior of the IdP if the user changes the form how the username is entered (lower-case/upper-case/mixed-case…)
Force the IdP to normalize to lower-case by setting shibboleth.authn.Password.Lowercase
in /opt/shibboleth-idp/conf/authn/password-authn-config.xml
<util:constant id="shibboleth.authn.Password.Lowercase" static-field="java.lang.Boolean.TRUE"/>
The attribute resolver is configured in /opt/shibboleth-idp/conf/attribute-resolver.xml
. In the next section, we will define attributes that the IdP would be releasing about the user.
The first step is to connect the attribute resolver to the LDAP server. Edit /opt/shibboleth-idp/conf/attribute-resolver.xml
and copy in the definition of the LDAP DataConnector
from the sample configuration file $IDP_HOME/conf/attribute-resolver-ldap.xml
This definition is using the properties defined in file (configured in the previous section), so the key connection parameters should be already set.
However, it may be necessary to make some customizations:
attribute.If the LDAP server is an Active Directory server, it may be necessary to add the property java.naming.referral
and set it to "follow"
<LDAPProperty name="java.naming.referral" value="follow"/>
And any other customizations as needed - for binary attributes, we for example recommend explicitly listing them as binary:
<LDAPProperty name="java.naming.ldap.attributes.binary" value="objectGUID objectSid msExchMailboxGuid msExchMailboxSecurityDescriptor mSMQDigests mSMQSignCertificates"/>
Earlier versions of the IdP were using the urn:mace:shibboleth:2.0:resolver:dc
namespace for connector definitions, and this type definition required a strict order of elements - e.g., the dc:LDAPProperty
had to come after FilterTemplate
As of IdP 3.3.0, the definitions moved into the main resolver namespace, urn:mace:shibboleth:2.0:resolver
- and at the same time, switched to the convention of not using explicit XML namespace prefixes (instead relying on the default namespace being set to this single namespace). This new type definition permits arbitrary order of the elements.
The examples here have been updated to the new syntax.
For completeness, the definition to copy from attribute-resolver-ldap.xml
<DataConnector id="myLDAP" xsi:type="LDAPDirectory"
failFastInitialize="%{idp.pool.LDAP.failFastInitialize:false}" />
All attribute configuration is done in /opt/shibboleth-idp/conf/attribute-resolver.xml
IdPV3 provides two additional files that can be used as an example, attribute-resolver-full.xml
and attribute-resolver-ldap.xml
. We recommend copying individual snippets (attribute and connector definitions) from these files into attribute-resolver.xml
Edit the file and implement the following changes:
Earlier versions of the IdP were using several namespaces under urn:mace:shibboleth:2.0:resolver
, urn:mace:shibboleth:2.0:resolver:dc
, and also neighbouring urn:mace:shibboleth:2.0:attribute:encoder
As of IdP 3.3.0, the definitions moved into the main resolver namespace, urn:mace:shibboleth:2.0:resolver
- and at the same time, switched to the convention of not using explicit XML namespace prefixes (instead relying on the default namespace being set to this single namespace). This new type definition permits arbitrary order of the elements.
This also applies to the XSI types - these are now also specified without prefixes, and some have had their name changed (namely: ad:Script
changed to ScriptedAttribute
One exception is the SharedToken
connector, which is a custom extension to the IdP and is defined in a separate namespace - the recommended sharedToken definition now uses the st:
prefix for its custom namespace.
All other attribute definitions in this section here have been updated to the new syntax.
IdP 3.4.0 replaces Dependencies of Attribute Definitions and Data Connectors on other Attribute Definitions and Data Connectors with instead declaring them as inputs - and also shifts the sourceAttributeID
from the attribute definition into the input specification. This has strong implications only for very specific edge cases (where multiple dependencies produced attributes of the same name) - and otherwise is a syntactic change only.
The syntactic change is trivial: as per the upstream instructions:
referencing an attributes with an InputAttributeDefinition
referencing the same attribute.replace a Dependency
referencing a data connector in a definition with a sourceAttributeID
with an InputDataConnector
referencing the same connector and selecting the attribute from the sourceAttributeID
e.g., turn
<AttributeDefinition id="commonName" xsi:type="Simple" sourceAttributeID="cn">
<Dependency ref="myLDAP" />
<AttributeDefinition id="commonName" xsi:type="Simple">
<InputDataConnector ref="myLDAP" attributeNames="cn" />
replace a Dependency
referencing a data connector in a definition with no sourceAttributeID
with an InputDataConnector
referencing the same connector and selecting all attributes:
<InputDataConnector ref="myLDAP" allAttributes="true" />
This documentation has already been updated to this new syntax - but existing attribute resolver configuration files will need to be transformed accordingly. Version 3.4 will work with legacy configuration, but would produce deprecation warnings. And support for legacy configuration will be removed in V4.
The default attribute-resolver.xml
defines the following attributes as derived from the authenticated username. While useful as interesting examples, delete the following definitions:
Define attributes available directly in LDAP - just copy in the relevant AttributeDefinition
element for each of these attributes from attribute-resolver-full.xml
Define the email
attribute by copying in the mail
attribute definition and changing the attribute id
from mail
to email
(that is how it’s called in the federation attribute vocabulary and also in the attribute filter generated by the Federation Registry)
Define attributes available as an attribute in the LDAP with a slightly different name - typically, in ActiveDirectory, cn would be the user’s login name, while displayName would be the user’s actual preferred (common) name. And specifically for the common name, even when cn
in LDAP contains the common name, this attribute should be called commonName
on the Tuakiri side. So for attributes that need renaming, copy the relevant AttributeDefinition
element from attribute-resolver-full.xml
and change the sourceAttributeID XML attribute to the name of the original attribute.
If connecting to Active Directory:
based on the AD displayName
based on the AD cn
based on the AD displayName
.For LDAP systems other than Active Directory, define these attributes with the sources as applicable to your deployment.
CommonName definition
The attribute-resolver-full.xml
file is unfortunately missing a sample definition of the commonName attribute. Please use the following snippet - or customize as necessary:
<AttributeDefinition id="commonName" xsi:type="Simple" >
<InputDataConnector ref="myLDAP" attributeNames="cn" />
<AttributeEncoder xsi:type="SAML1String" name="urn:mace:dir:attribute-def:cn" />
<AttributeEncoder xsi:type="SAML2String" name="urn:oid:" friendlyName="cn" />
The key part to preserver is the attribute id
) and the encoders (SAML1 and SAML2 attribute names). The sourceAttributeID
, Dependency
and even type
can be customized as needed…
Define eduPersonPrincipalName
define based on the attribute containing the username (typically, uid
or cn
or sAMAccountName
) with your institution’s scope (in the form IdPV3 allows setting the scope by expanding the %{idp.scope}
property, so set the scope with:
scope="%{idp.scope}" sourceAttributeID="uid"
If either eduPersonAssurance
or eduPersonEntitlement
are available in your IdMS, expose them via the IdP by copying in their respective definitions from attribute-resolver-full.xml
We need to define several attributes that would have a static value for each user. We do so by first defining a StaticDataConnector
(expand on the definition included in attribute-resolver.xml
<!-- Static Connector -->
<DataConnector id="staticAttributes" xsi:type="Static">
<Attribute id="o">
<Value>The Institution</Value>
<Attribute id="homeOrganization">
<Attribute id="homeOrganizationType">
Now define the attributes:
by copying in the definition and changing the connector dependency from “myLDAP” to “staticAttributes”
, while the attribute defined in the staticAttributes
connector used as the source for this attribute is called just o
. Don’t get confused.homeOrganization
and homeOrganizationType
, not provided in the default configuration: <AttributeDefinition id="homeOrganization" xsi:type="Simple" >
<InputDataConnector ref="staticAttributes" attributeNames="homeOrganization" />
<AttributeEncoder xsi:type="SAML1String" name="urn:oid:" />
<AttributeEncoder xsi:type="SAML2String" name="urn:oid:" friendlyName="homeOrganization" />
<AttributeDefinition id="homeOrganizationType" xsi:type="Simple" >
<InputDataConnector ref="staticAttributes" attributeNames="homeOrganizationType" />
<AttributeEncoder xsi:type="SAML1String" name="urn:oid:" />
<AttributeEncoder xsi:type="SAML2String" name="urn:oid:" friendlyName="homeOrganizationType" />
The eduPersonAffiliation
and eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation
describe the affiliation type of the user authenticating. The typical question is: “Is this person staff or student?” The full set of values (with definitions available in the AAF Attribute Recommendation: eduPersonAffiliation) is: faculty / student / staff / employee / member / affiliate / alum / library-walk-in. The eduPersonAffiliation
attribute is multi-valued and should include all values that apply to the user, while eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation
should contain only a single, the most relevant value.
Typically, the LDAP server will not be directly providing values for these attributes, but it would have some attributes that allow to determine at least some of the affiliation type values applying to the user - e.g. to tell whether the user is a staff member or a student.
In this case, we recommend defining the attributes using a scriptlet, synthesizing the value from the LDAP attributes available.
This would be very specific for each institution. We illustrate this in an example (based on an actual setup), where we assume the LDAP server has attributes:
We decide to give anyone with isStaff=TRUE
the "staff"
affiliation, and to anyone with isUnderGrad=TRUE OR isPostGrad=TRUE
the "student"
affiliation. Also, anyone who is staff or student also gets the "member"
elements. Otherwise, we would have to decide on attribute names / OIDs to use in the encoder definitions. <!-- prerequisite to scripted eduPersonAffiliation -->
<AttributeDefinition id="isUnderGrad" xsi:type="Simple">
<InputDataConnector ref="myLDAP" attributeNames="isUnderGrad" />
<!-- no encoder needed -->
<AttributeDefinition id="isPostGrad" xsi:type="Simple">
<InputDataConnector ref="myLDAP" attributeNames="isPostGrad" />
<!-- no encoder needed -->
<AttributeDefinition id="isStaff" xsi:type="Simple">
<InputDataConnector ref="myLDAP" attributeNames="isStaff" />
<!-- no encoder needed -->
using an AttributeDefinition
of type Script
Java8 supports a compatibility mode to behave like Java7:
<AttributeDefinition id="eduPersonAffiliation" xsi:type="ScriptedAttribute">
<InputAttributeDefinition ref="isUnderGrad" />
<InputAttributeDefinition ref="isPostGrad" />
<InputAttributeDefinition ref="isStaff" />
<AttributeEncoder xsi:type="SAML1String" name="urn:mace:dir:attribute-def:eduPersonAffiliation" />
<AttributeEncoder xsi:type="SAML2String" name="urn:oid:" friendlyName="eduPersonAffiliation" />
is_UnderGrad = isUnderGrad != null && isUnderGrad.getValues().size()>0 && isUnderGrad.getValues().get(0).equals("TRUE");
is_PostGrad = isPostGrad != null && isPostGrad.getValues().size()>0 && isPostGrad.getValues().get(0).equals("TRUE");
is_Staff = isStaff != null && isStaff.getValues().size()>0 && isStaff.getValues().get(0).equals("TRUE");
if (is_Staff) { eduPersonAffiliation.getValues().add("staff"); };
if (is_UnderGrad || is_PostGrad ) { eduPersonAffiliation.getValues().add("student"); };
if (is_UnderGrad || is_PostGrad || is_Staff ) { eduPersonAffiliation.getValues().add("member"); };
(which has to be a single valued attribute, hence the logic in the script is slightly different): <AttributeDefinition id="eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation" xsi:type="ScriptedAttribute">
<InputAttributeDefinition ref="isUnderGrad" />
<InputAttributeDefinition ref="isPostGrad" />
<InputAttributeDefinition ref="isStaff" />
<AttributeEncoder xsi:type="SAML1String" name="urn:mace:dir:attribute-def:eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation" />
<AttributeEncoder xsi:type="SAML2String" name="urn:oid:" friendlyName="eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation" />
is_UnderGrad = isUnderGrad != null && isUnderGrad.getValues().size()>0 && isUnderGrad.getValues().get(0).equals("TRUE");
is_PostGrad = isPostGrad != null && isPostGrad.getValues().size()>0 && isPostGrad.getValues().get(0).equals("TRUE");
is_Staff = isStaff != null && isStaff.getValues().size()>0 && isStaff.getValues().get(0).equals("TRUE");
if (is_Staff) { eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation.getValues().add("staff"); }
else if (is_UnderGrad || is_PostGrad ) { eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation.getValues().add("student"); };
attribute by copying the definition from attribute-resolver-full.xml
changing the dependency from LDAP to the previously defined attribute eduPersonAffiliation
<InputAttributeDefinition ref="eduPersonAffiliation" />
Note: it is no longer needed to set scope, as the default configuration now refers to the %{idp.scope}
property set in
The instructions below are based on the original ARCS instructions, now archived at
The shared token value MUST be stored in either the LDAP server itself (preferred, keeps the values alongside primary identity information), or alternatively in a MySQL database (easier to get going by running a MySQL server directly on the IdP).
In this section, some instructions are specific to storing the shared token values in an LDAP server, some are specific to storing the values in a local MySQL server - please choose accordingly.
The arcs-shib-ext module versions 1.5.x and older are only compatible with IdP v2.x - and are not compatible with IdP V3.
The most recent version is 1.9.1 (as of July 2020) and this version is compatible only with IdP 3.4.0.
For IdP 3.2.x and 3.3.x, use version 1.8.4.
Please note that earlier versions (up to and including 1.8.2) break with Tomcat 7.0.66+, so to avoid issues with Tomcat updates (as they appear in the RHEL7 update stream as of January 2017), please update the plugin to the latest version suitable for your IdP version).
Older versions compatible with older 3.x releases are 1.7.x for IdP 3.1.x+ and 1.6.x for IdP 3.0.x
Please see for up-to-date information.
Download binary from
Copy the JAR into $SHIB_HOME/edit-webapp/WEB-INF/lib
and (later) rebuild the webapp WAR archive.
cp arcs-shibext-*.jar $IDP_HOME/edit-webapp/WEB-INF/lib/
sh $IDP_HOME/bin/
If configuring with a MySQL database, make sure the MySQL JDBC driver is present. As it would be later (in section Configure Database Storage) used with a JDBC Pool DataSource (loaded as part of Tomcat outside of the IdP web application), the JDBC driver has to be loaded outside of the application as well. The correct way (repeated also below) is:
yum install mysql-connector-java
ln -s /usr/share/java/mysql-connector-java.jar /usr/share/tomcat/lib/
Create a MySQL user: run “mysql” as root and enter the following commands:
create user 'idp_admin'@'localhost' identified by 'IDP_ADMIN_PASSWORD';
grant all privileges on idp_db.* to 'idp_admin'@'localhost';
Create a MySQL user: run “mysql” as idp_admin and enter the following commands:
mysql -u idp_admin -p
use idp_db;
sharedToken VARCHAR(50),
Add schema definition to attribute-resolver.xml
: add the following to the list of schema locations at the top of the file: classpath:/schema/arcs-shibext-dc.xsd
(sharedToken) with the following customizations:
from the myLDAP
DataConnector - but it is also possible to use InputAttributeDefinition
to reference other existing attribute definitions.Omit the DatabaseConnection
element from the below snippet
Change the values to **storeLdap="true"**
and **storeDatabase="false"**
, set this name in storedAttributeName
.Set the ldapConnectorId attribute to the ID of the connector (this is required to identify it among the dependencies).
Please note that when storing the sharedToken values in LDAP, the sharedToken module would be accessing the LDAP server from the connector specified in the dependency - so the same LDAP server as used for retrieving all other attributes, with the same credentials. Therefore, in order for this module to succeed in storing the generated sharedToken values, the account specified in the LDAP connector needs to have the permissions to write into the auEduPersonSharedToken
attribute (or the attribute set in storedAttributeName
The connector definition is:
<!-- ==================== auEduPersonSharedToken data connector ================== -->
<DataConnector xsi:type="st:SharedToken" xmlns:st=""
<InputDataConnector ref="myLDAP" attributeNames="auEduPersonSharedToken sAMAccountName"/>
<st:DatabaseConnection jdbcDriver="com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"
preferredTestQuery="/* ping */ SELECT 1;"
Note: on the first install, generate a suitable salt value with:
openssl rand -base64 36
Database reconnection
Earlier versions of this documentation were instructing to adjust the JdbcURL to set the "autoReconnect=true"
option and the wait_timeout
session variable.
Version 1.8.2 of arcs-shib-ext, released on August 1st, 2016, introduces settings for configuring connection testing on checkout in the DataSource. These are now included in the example above - and with these settings in place, it is no longer necessary to set the increased wait_timeout OR the autoReconnect option.
Add attribute definition to attribute-resolver.xml (auEduPersonSharedToken)
<!-- ==================== auEduPersonSharedToken attribute definition ================== -->
<AttributeDefinition id="auEduPersonSharedToken" xsi:type="Simple">
<InputDataConnector ref="sharedToken" attributeNames="auEduPersonSharedToken" />
<AttributeEncoder xsi:type="SAML1String" name="" />
<AttributeEncoder xsi:type="SAML2String" name="urn:oid:" friendlyName="auEduPersonSharedToken" />
Persistent targeted ID attributes are used to uniquely identify a user when visiting a site (an SP), but each value is targeted to that SP - and when visiting another site (a different SP), the value is different. The value can be either calculated on the fly as a hash (through the ComputeID connector), or stored in a database. We strongly recommend storing the values in a database, as it:
Historically, there were several different (conflicting) ways of defining the persistent targeted ID attribute as the eduPersonTargetedID attribute. Earlier versions of this document were referring to (instructing to define eduPersonTargetedID in the “new” format only, ignoring the “old” format).
However, as IdPv3 deprecates eduPersonTargetedID ( see ComputedIdConnector and StoredIdConnector documentation) and instead recommends using a Persistent NameID in the SAML envelope. This would make the IdP interoperable with other SAML implementations - and is still compatible with existing Shibboleth SP deployments - in the default configuration, a Shibboleth SP accepts both SAML2 Persistent Name ID and eduPersonTargetedID values as the persistent-id
. However, it is crucial that an IdP only issues either the SAML2 Persistent Name ID or eduPersonTargetedID but not both - otherwise, the Shibboleth SP would accept both (identical) values as multiple values of the persitent-id
attribute - and would present these values to applications in a misformatted way, concatenating them with a semicolon into a single string.
As part of the IdPv3 upgrade, we strongly encourage all IdPs to switch to SAML2 Persitent Name ID.
Earlier versions of this manual were instructing when performing an upgrade from a 2.x IdP that was using ComputedIdConnector for eduPersonTargetedID (i.e., not storing the values in a database), to first follow the instructions at Configuring an 2.x IdP to use StoredID Connector.
While it is still strongly recommended to store the values in a database, it is no longer deemed necessary to change the configuration of the version 2 IdP, as the version 3 IdP would be producing the same values.
However, if the existing persistent ID values are not stored in a database, it is crucial to use the identical salt value on the old 2.x and the new 3.x IdP.
To configure SAML2 Persistent NameID (based on
and set the following properties:
: set this to a local attribute that is unique, persistent, and non-reassignable. Typically, the username attribute (cn
, uid
or sAMAccountName
) would be a good choice. However, if usernames are reused at your institution, you must choose a different attribute (e.g., objectGUID
on AD servers works well for this purpose)idp.persistentId.salt
: at the first install generate a salt value with the following command (on subsequent installs, reuse the same value!):
openssl rand -base64 36
idp.persistentId.generator = shibboleth.StoredPersistentIdGenerator
(this selects the StoredPersistentIdGenerator defined in saml-nameid.xml
idp.persistentId.encoding = BASE64
IdP version 3.3.x introduces a new property, idp.persistentId.encoding
, which defaults to BASE32
. While this default has the intention to improve interoperability (with SPs which do not preserve case), it would break transition from a 2.x IdP which did not store the generated values. If upgrading from a V2 IdP, please change this new property to BASE64
to preserve the same values.
idp.persistentId.dataSource = shibboleth.JPAStorageService.DataSource
(this selects the DataSource
bean that will be defined in conf/global.xml
when configuring database storage)
Please note that conf/
also allows to set = PersistentIdStore
(and this is what earlier versions of this document recommended). However, this strategy does not work well with enabling the reverse lookup, so we now recommend to use idp.persistentId.dataSource
, for linking StoredPersistentIDGenerator
to the database. With having
set as above, it is not necessary to set idp.persistentId.dataSource
The earlier instructions were also including defining the persistent store bean: also assuming the JPA Storage Service will be configured further below, the instructions were define the PersistentIdStore just as a reference to the JPAStorageService DataSource:
<bean id="PersistentIdStore" parent="shibboleth.JDBCPersistentIdStore"
p:queryTimeout="PT2S" />
In the definition of shibboleth.SAML2NameIDGenerators
, uncomment the reference to shibboleth.SAML2PersistentGenerator
<util:list id="shibboleth.SAML2NameIDGenerators">
<ref bean="shibboleth.SAML2TransientGenerator" />
<!-- Uncommenting this bean requires configuration in -->
<ref bean="shibboleth.SAML2PersistentGenerator" />
<!-- ... -->
And within the database pointed to by the JPAStorageService DataSource ( idb_db
as per below, and also as possibly created earlier for sharedToken), create the shibpid
table with the following DDL (taken from
CREATE TABLE shibpid (
localEntity VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
peerEntity VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
persistentId VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,
principalName VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,
peerProvidedId VARCHAR(50) NULL,
deactivationDate TIMESTAMP NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (localEntity, peerEntity, persistentId)
If not already defined, define the attribute in conf/attribute-resolver.xml
. If not intending to release this attribute to any SPs, the attribute definition does not need any SAML encoders - so that will also stop the attribute from being included in the outgoing AttributeStament, it would just be accessible to the PersistentIDGenerator. A sample definition of the uid
attribute would be:
<AttributeDefinition id="uid" xsi:type="Simple" >
<InputDataConnector ref="myLDAP" attributeNames="uid" />
No longer needed
Earlier versions of this documentation were also instructing to explicitly release this attribute to make it visible to the PersistentID generator. This was necessary for older versions of IdPv3, but for 3.2.0 and newer is no longer needed - see the last line in the ComputedID section of the upstream PersistentNameID documentation.
The original instructions were:
Edit conf/attribute-filter.xml
and add a rule to release the source Attribute:
<!-- release uid to all SPs, so we can calculate Persistent NameID.
As we do not use an encoder in that definition,
the attribute will not really be released. -->
<AttributeFilterPolicy id="uid2all">
<PolicyRequirementRule xsi:type="ANY" />
<AttributeRule attributeID="uid">
<PermitValueRule xsi:type="ANY" />
If the attribute is not released as per above, the IdP would log a message:
2015-05-05 14:49:27,360 - INFO [net.shibboleth.idp.saml.nameid.impl.PersistentSAML2NameIDGenerator:218] - Attribute sources [uid] did not produce a usable source identifier
See for further information.
To support mapping SAML2 Persistent NameIDs back to username (which is important for some advanced use cases - e.g., an SP making an explicit AttributeQuery about a user or an SP tries to confirm whether a user still exists at the home institution and still has the same privileges), please edit $IDP_HOME/conf/c14n/subject-c14n.xml
and uncomment the reference to the c14n/SAML2Persistent
<ref bean="c14n/SAML2Persistent" />
And also, to avoid warnings for deprecated elements, edit $IDP_HOME/conf/c14n/subject-c14n.xml
and comment out the c14n/LegacyPrincipalConnector
<!-- <ref bean="c14n/LegacyPrincipalConnector" /> -->
Historical eduPersonTargetedID documentation
For historical purposes, we also include the original documentation on setting up eduPersonTargetedID. However, as per above, we strongly encourage the migration to SAML2 Persistent NameID.
Add the following attribute definition into attribute-resolver.xml
(unfortunately, IdPV3 does NOT provide any template definition in the default configuration files):
<resolver:AttributeDefinition xsi:type="ad:SAML2NameID" id="eduPersonTargetedID"
nameIdFormat="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:persistent" sourceAttributeID="computedID">
<resolver:Dependency ref="StoredIDConnector" />
<resolver:DisplayName xml:lang="en">Targeted ID (opaque per-service username)</resolver:DisplayName>
<resolver:AttributeEncoder xsi:type="enc:SAML1XMLObject" name="urn:oid:" />
<resolver:AttributeEncoder xsi:type="enc:SAML2XMLObject" name="urn:oid:" friendlyName="eduPersonTargetedID" />
Add the connector definition. To use the recommended StoredIDConnector
connector, add the following definition:
<resolver:DataConnector id="StoredIDConnector"
<resolver:Dependency ref="myLDAP" />
making the following changes as needed:
database created for storing SharedToken values - storing the eduPersonTargetedID values in a separate table shibpid
in the same database.
Create the table shibpid
with the following DDL code (coming from , and setting ENGINE to InnoDB to work around key length restrictions):
CREATE TABLE shibpid (
localEntity VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
peerEntity VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
persistentId VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,
principalName VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,
peerProvidedId VARCHAR(50) NULL,
deactivationDate TIMESTAMP NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (localEntity, peerEntity, persistentId)
If also adding storage support via JPA (see section Database Storage further below), it is possible to reuse the DataSource definition created for JPA instead of having a duplicate database connection definition in the ApplicationManagedConnection
inside the StoredIDConnector
, uid
or sAMAccountName
) as the source attribute.
on AD servers works well for this purpose)Using a value of salt generated (only at the first install, to be reused later) with:
openssl rand -base64 36
connector, reuse the existing salt values. The StoredIdConnector
is designed to be backwards-compatible and if provided with the same salt, will generate the same values as ComputeId
and the generatedAttributeID
in the connector definition match the dependency ref
and the sourceAttributeID
in the attribute definition.If it is not possible to use the StoredIDConnector, use instead the ComputedId
<DataConnector xsi:type="ComputedId"
<resolver:Dependency ref="myLDAP" />
above)dependency ref
in the attribute definition to match the connector id="computedID"
For reference, to deactivate a particular value for a particular user, set the deactivationDate
timestamp on that value’s record directly in the database - e.g. with the following SQL code:
UPDATE shibpid SET deactivationDate=NOW() WHERE principalName='user123' AND peerEntity='';
The eduPersonAssurance expresses both levels of identity assurance and authentication assurance (i.e., both how sure an IdMS is about the identity of a user and how strong authentication mechanisms were used to establish the session). These attributes would ideally have per-user values, based on information captured about the users in the IdMS - e.g., an attribute tracking whether the business process for creating the user’s credentials involved checking official photoID documents and e.g. what kind of password policy applies to the user.
In the absence of such information in the IdMS, we recommend to at least define this attribute as a static attribute (providing the same value for all users) at level 1 (floor of trust). The basic requirements for level 1 are that the institution has documented processes for issuing credentials and is following good practice in managing credentials.
To configure the level 1 values as static attributes:
Add the level1 identity and authentication assurance values to the staticAttributes
connector (defined above) with id="eduPersonAssurance"
<DataConnector id="staticAttributes" xsi:type="Static">
<Attribute id="eduPersonAssurance">
Copy in the eduPersonAssurance
attribute definition from attribute-resolver-full.xml
and change the connector dependency from "myLDAP"
to "staticAttributes"
The eduPersonEntitlement
attribute is a multivalued container for arbitrary strings (URNs) that identify privileges. Most values are yet-to-be-defined, one commonly used value is urn:mace:dir:entitlement:common-lib-terms
. If not adding the eduPersonEntitlement
to your IdMS, we recommend defining eduPersonEntitlement
as a static attribute with this value (representing “this user has library privileges”) being the only value defined.
attribute definition from attribute-resolver-full.xml
and change the connector dependency from "myLDAP"
to "staticAttributes"
Add single value to be released (can be multivalued if desired) to the staticAttributes
connector (defined above) with id="eduPersonEntitlement"
<DataConnector id="staticAttributes" xsi:type="Static">
<Attribute id="eduPersonEntitlement">
.Additional documentation on policy rules is at
All available attributes to the Tuakiri Attribute Reflector - very useful for testing.
Expand source
<AttributeFilterPolicy id="federationRegistryPolicy" >
<PolicyRequirementRule xsi:type="Requester" value="" />
<AttributeRule attributeID="displayName" permitAny="true"/>
<AttributeRule attributeID="surname" permitAny="true"/>
<AttributeRule attributeID="givenName" permitAny="true"/>
<AttributeRule attributeID="email" permitAny="true"/>
<AttributeRule attributeID="homeOrganization" permitAny="true"/>
<AttributeRule attributeID="homeOrganizationType" permitAny="true"/>
<AttributeRule attributeID="eduPersonTargetedID" permitAny="true"/>
<AttributeRule attributeID="auEduPersonSharedToken" permitAny="true"/>
<AttributeFilterPolicy id="attributesValidatorPolicy" >
<PolicyRequirementRule xsi:type="Requester" value="" />
<AttributeRule attributeID="displayName" permitAny="true"/>
<AttributeRule attributeID="commonName" permitAny="true"/>
<AttributeRule attributeID="surname" permitAny="true"/>
<AttributeRule attributeID="givenName" permitAny="true"/>
<AttributeRule attributeID="email" permitAny="true"/>
<AttributeRule attributeID="eduPersonPrincipalName" permitAny="true"/>
<AttributeRule attributeID="eduPersonScopedAffiliation" permitAny="true"/>
<AttributeRule attributeID="eduPersonAffiliation" permitAny="true"/>
<AttributeRule attributeID="eduPersonAssurance" permitAny="true"/>
<AttributeRule attributeID="eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation" permitAny="true"/>
<AttributeRule attributeID="homeOrganization" permitAny="true"/>
<AttributeRule attributeID="homeOrganizationType" permitAny="true"/>
<AttributeRule attributeID="organizationName" permitAny="true"/>
<AttributeRule attributeID="eduPersonTargetedID" permitAny="true"/>
<AttributeRule attributeID="auEduPersonSharedToken" permitAny="true"/>
<AttributeRule attributeID="eduPersonEntitlement">
<PermitValueRule xsi:type="Value" value="urn:mace:dir:entitlement:common-lib-terms" />
<AttributeRule attributeID="auEduPersonAffiliation" permitAny="true"/>
<AttributeRule attributeID="auEduPersonLegalName" permitAny="true"/>
<AttributeRule attributeID="mobileNumber" permitAny="true"/>
<AttributeRule attributeID="postalAddress" permitAny="true"/>
<AttributeRule attributeID="organizationalUnit" permitAny="true"/>
<AttributeRule attributeID="telephoneNumber" permitAny="true"/>
Please follow the instructions on registering an IdP into the Tuakiri federation (using Federation Registry URL for the Tuakiri federation or for Tuakiri-TEST)
For IdP version 3, these instructions need to be slightly adjusted, as IdPv3 generates three certificates/keypairs: signing, encryption and back-channel:
as an additional certificate for signing and $IDP_HOME/credentials/idp-encryption.crt
as an encryption certificate.The IdPV3 comes with several components that need a storage service, and several implemented and configured storage services.
However, the storage services that come enabled by default only store data in either client-side cookies (session or long-lived, possibly cryptographically encrypted and sealed), or in server memory (discarded during a server restart).
In this section, we document setting up a database storage service through JPA (Java Persistence API) and Hibernate. This sequence follows the documentation at, adding in minor bits (that are being integrated into the documentation).
We assume the database is MySQL and for Tomcat deployments, we recommend the Tomcat JDBC pool implementation for connection pooling (defining a DataSource).
The steps to configure the database storage are:
Create a database. The data would be stored in a single table called StorageService
, we recommend creating database idp_db
(which, as per other section of this document, can also host the shibpid
table for storing the values of the of the PersistentNameID / eduPersonTargetedID attribute and the tb_st
table storing the auEduPersonSharedToken
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON idp_db.* TO 'idp_admin'@'localhost';
It is strongly encouraged to create the databases with utf8
character encoding and utf8_bin
collation (sorting).
Earlier versions of this document did not specify these settings and the database (and all tables) would be created with the default system encoding and collation.
To convert these to utf8
/ utf8_bin
, please run:
Create the StorageRecords
table. This part can be tricky, as different versions of IdP ship with different versions of Hibernate, which use different database mapping / field names. IdP 3.0.0 used column names key
(and expiration
) instead ofid
(and expires
). The key issue with that was key
is a reserved word in MySQL - and therefore, the column name then must be quoted in all SQL statements. IdP 3.1.1 reverts back to id
(and expires
), avoiding the clash with MySQL reserved words. For IdP 3.1.1+, create the table with:
CREATE TABLE `StorageRecords` (
`context` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
`id` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
`expires` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL,
`value` longtext NOT NULL,
`version` bigint(20) NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`context`,`id`));
Add the following beans to $IDP_HOME/conf/global.xml
- instead of duplicating them here, please use the MySQL versions from the IdPv3 Storage documentation (section Installation, unfold the snippets under DB-independent Configuration and MySQL Configuration).
As of September 2022, the snippets in the linked IdPv3 documentation may fail to unfold. As an alternative, get the snippets intead from the IdPv4 documentation (unfold JPAStorageService under Storage Implementations).
The beans to add are:
bean with database connection parameters:
to match the Tomcat JDBC pool (already comes preinstalled with Tomcat as tomcat-jdbc.jar
), org.apache.tomcat.jdbc.pool.DataSource
, not jdbcUrl
/* ping */
is crucial - this triggers a ping in the database driver; see the MySQL JDBC Driver documentation.testOnBorrow
property to actually turn on connection validation on checkout.With all these modifications, the bean could look like:
<bean id="shibboleth.JPAStorageService.DataSource"
class="org.apache.tomcat.jdbc.pool.DataSource" destroy-method="close" lazy-init="true"
p:validationQuery="/* ping */ SELECT 1;"
p:password="IDP_ADMIN_PASSWORD" />
If using a remote database server, set the validationQueryTimeout property to a reasonable value (3-5s) to detect connection failures possibly caused by a firewall positioned between the IdP and the database server - this would add to the above definition:
And remember to install the database driver. Note that as the driver will be used by classes outside the web application (the Tomcat JDBC pool), the driver also needs to be installed outside the web application. The following will work on RHEL/CentOS 7 systems:
yum install mysql-connector-java
ln -s /usr/share/java/mysql-connector-java.jar /usr/share/tomcat/lib/
Now that the JPAStorageService is configured, we can start reconfiguring the IdP to use this storage service in various parts - all configured in
via properties that should expand to the name of the storage service bean ( shibboleth.JPAStorageService
) :
To set all of these four modules to use the JPA Storage service, add the relevant directives into $IDP_HOME/conf/
idp.replayCache.StorageService = shibboleth.JPAStorageService
idp.artifact.StorageService = shibboleth.JPAStorageService
The default
file makes most services reload their configuration every 15 minutes. This should be considered sufficient for deploying configuration changes on a production system without having to restart the web application; for development, we recommend tweaking this setting to a lower value - e.g., to reload the attribute resolver configuration more frequently when developing attribute mappings, set:
idp.service.attribute.resolver.checkInterval = PT5S
Please note that refresh intervals configured in
only apply to resources directly referenced from the service configuration ( services.xml
) - but in the case of Metadata service, not to actual metadata - this applies only to the metadata-providers.xml file itself. See the documentation on configuring metadata above for details on adjusting metadata refresh intervals.
This step should be done only after fully registering your IdP into the federation.
To automatically release attributes to new services registered in the federation, we will configure the IdP to load an additional attribute filter generated by the Federation Registry. Because of how resources are configured in IdPV3 (just a list of URIs), it is not possibly configure a locally-backed HTTP resource. We therefore configure the IdP to load the attribute filter from a local file, and set up independent refreshing of the local file.
If registering the IdP into multiple federations (such as into Tuakiri and AAF), load the attribute filter for each of the federations according to the respective instructions.
To configure each additional attribute filter, follow these steps:
Alternatively, set up the fetching via an external script and configure the IdP to only load an additional local file:
Download the script into /opt/shibboleth-idp/bin
wget -O /opt/shibboleth-idp/bin/
chmod +x /opt/shibboleth-idp/bin/
Determine a local email address that should be receiving notifications when fetching a fresh copy of the attribute filter fails.
Run the
script once to download a copy of your attribute filter into /opt/shibboleth-idp/conf/tuakiri-attribute-filter.xml
(substituting the correct local values - URL and email address - into the following line):
/opt/shibboleth-idp/bin/ /opt/shibboleth-idp/conf/tuakiri-attribute-filter.xml
Create a cron job to periodically (every 2 hours) download the metadata and the attribute filter: run crontab -e
and add the following entry (matching the command you had run on the command line earlier):
02 */2 * * * /opt/shibboleth-idp/bin/ /opt/shibboleth-idp/conf/tuakiri-attribute-filter.xml
Edit $IDP_HOME/conf/services.xml
and add the additional attribute filter as an additional value in the shibboleth.AttributeFilterResources
For both federations, please note:
To allow your IdP to be used with the ECP profile (access via non-browser clients) to let your users access ECP-enabled services in the federation:
In IdPV3, no configuration effort on the IdP side is needed - ECP is enabled by default.
Protect the /idp/profile/SAML2/SOAP/ECP location on your IdP with authentication against your LDAP - add the following (customized for your LDAP server) into /etc/httpd/conf.d/idp.conf
<Location /idp/profile/SAML2/SOAP/ECP>
AuthType Basic
AuthName "Example Institution Shibboleth Identity Provider - ECP profile"
AuthBasicProvider ldap
AuthLDAPURL ldap://,dc=example,dc=org?uid
AuthLDAPBindDN "cn=read,dc=example,dc=org"
AuthLDAPBindPassword "password"
Require valid-user
# enable this only over SSL - not needed when defined in the context of a https VirtualHost
On RHEL/CentOS7, Apache 2.4 by default does not include mod_ldap
- so install mod_ldap
yum install mod_ldap
If you have SELinux enabled, you will also need to explicitly permit the LDAP communication from Apache:
setsebool -P httpd_can_connect_ldap on
When using an LDAP server using a self-signed certificate or a private root CA, configure mod_ldap
to trust this CA. Assuming the certificate is stored in /opt/shibboleth/credentials/ldap-server.crt
, add the following into the above snippet (as per mod_ldap documentation):
LDAPTrustedClientCert CA_BASE64 /opt/shibboleth-idp/credentials/ldap-server.crt
When configuring multiple LDAP servers to be used as fall-back, enter them inside a single AuthLDAPURL
with multiple space-separated hostname-port tuples (and enclose the URL in quotes) e.g.:
AuthLDAPURL "ldaps://dc01.instlocal:636 dc02.inst.local:636/ou=People,dc=example,dc=org?uid"
When registering your IdP in the Federation Registry, advertise also the ECP endpoint.
In order for the ECP handler (running as part of the IdP web application inside Tomcat) to receive the REMOTE_USER variable set by Apache, the AJP connector in Tomcat must have the tomcatAuthentication="false"
as instructed above.
ECP will not work if the AJP connector is left with the default settings.
For information on protecting the ECP endpoint from within Tomcat instead, please see
The Shibboleth IdP supports at least a minimalist implementation of Single Log Out (SLO). (This support has been added in 2.4.0 and provides the same functionality in the 3.0.x and 3.1.x release branches)
The software side of the SLO implementation comes enabled out of the box on IdPV3 installations, however, we recommend making the following changes:
Step 1: Make the following adjustments to the settings in $IDP_HOME/conf/
Configure the IdP to track SP sessions, create a secondary index of the SPs by their SAML IDs, and display the elaborate list on the logout page:
idp.session.trackSPSessions = true
idp.session.secondaryServiceIndex = true
idp.logout.elaboration = true
We strongly recommend configure the JPA/Hibernate storage service as per above and store the session information in the JPA storage service:
idp.session.StorageService = shibboleth.JPAStorageService
If not configuring the JPA storage service, to get SLO and SP session tracking the work, it is necessary to at least switch the session storage to the in-memory-only (discarded on server restart) storage service (the default client-side cookie storage would not work for the logout functionality):
idp.session.StorageService = shibboleth.StorageService
We also recommend increasing the duration for storing SP sessions: the default on the SP side is 8 hours (while the IdP default expectation of that value would be 2H), and some instances might be using longer value - so set the defaultSPlfetime property to the actual default SP value and add in a buffer to err on the side of caution:
idp.session.defaultSPlifetime = PT8H
idp.session.slop = P1D
Step 2: Customize the Logout page ($IDP_HOME/views/logout.vm
The most important step is to remove the boilerplate notice saying the page should be customized.
Remove the notice (expand here to see the exact changes):
Click here to expand…
--- logout.vm.orig 2018-10-12 15:08:08.726832762 +1300
+++ logout.vm 2018-10-17 13:41:20.651782569 +1300
@@ -39,11 +39,6 @@
<div class="content">
<div class="column one">
- <p>This page is displayed when a logout operation at the Identity Provider completes. This page is an example
- and should be customized. It is not fully internationalized because the presentation will be a highly localized
- decision, and we don't have a good suggestion for a default.</p>
- <br>
#if ($rpContext)
<p>#springMessageText("idp.logout.sp-initiated", "You have been logged out of the following service:")</p>
If you enable Single Logout without customizing your Logout page (i.e., leaving in the original default page), users utilizing the Logout functionality will see an unflattering page saying: “This page is an example and should be customized.”
Optionally, also add additional notices to the landing logout pages: ($IDP_HOME/views/logout-propagate.vm
and $IDP_HOME/views/logout-complete.vm
). You may wish to inform the users that sessions derived by the applications on the SPs might not have been terminated and that the only safe way to terminate the session is to close the browser. Expand here to see our suggestion at the wording:
Click here to expand…
--- logout-complete.vm.orig 2018-10-12 15:08:08.725832770 +1300
+++ logout-complete.vm 2018-10-17 13:43:03.532974734 +1300
@@ -33,6 +33,8 @@
<div class="content">
<div class="column one">
<p>#springMessageText("idp.logout.local", "You elected not to log out of all the applications accessed during your session.")</p>
+ <br>
+ <p>We recommend to close your browser to close all the sessions at the Service Providers.</p>
<div class="column two">
<ul class="list list-help">
--- logout-propagate.vm.orig 2018-10-12 15:08:08.726832762 +1300
+++ logout-propagate.vm 2018-10-17 13:43:03.545974633 +1300
@@ -37,6 +37,10 @@
<div class="column one">
<p>#springMessageText("idp.logout.attempt", "Attempting to log out of the following services:")</p>
+ <br>
+ <p>The logout process has now completed with the above results.</p>
+ <br>
+ <p> However, as application sessions derived from the initial login might have stayed on at these services, we still <strong>recommend to close your browser</strong> to reliably close all the sessions.</p>
<div class="column two">
<ul class="list list-help">
Step 3: Register the following additional endpoints as Single Logout Service in your IdP metadata the Federation Registry, with the following bindings names and URL values (substituting your IdP hostname in the URLs):
Binding | URL |
urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-Redirect | |
urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-POST | |
urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:SOAP | |
On IdP 3.2.1 only, it may be necessary to apply a fix to the Logout webflow. The issue has already been fixed upstream and the fix will be included with IdP 3.3.0 once released - this patch is to be applied to 3.2.1 only.
To avoid getting a NullPointerException from stale HttpRequest objects, make the following change to /opt/shibboleth-idp/system/flows/logout/logout-flow.xml
--- /root/inst/shibboleth-identity-provider-3.2.1/system/flows/logout/logout-flow.xml 2015-12-19 21:48:00.000000000 +1300
+++ system/flows/logout/logout-flow.xml 2016-09-13 12:53:04.632080786 +1200
@@ -70,21 +70,21 @@
<transition on="proceed" to="NextRelyingPartyContext" />
<view-state id="LogoutView" view="logout">
- <on-entry>
+ <on-render>
<evaluate expression="WriteAuditLog" />
<evaluate expression="environment" result="viewScope.environment" />
<evaluate expression="opensamlProfileRequestContext" result="viewScope.profileRequestContext" />
<evaluate expression="opensamlProfileRequestContext.getSubcontext(T(net.shibboleth.idp.session.context.LogoutContext))" result="viewScope.logoutContext" />
<evaluate expression="opensamlProfileRequestContext.getSubcontext(T(net.shibboleth.idp.profile.context.MultiRelyingPartyContext))" result="viewScope.multiRPContext" />
<evaluate expression="T(" result="viewScope.encoder" />
<evaluate expression="flowRequestContext.getExternalContext().getNativeRequest()" result="viewScope.request" />
<evaluate expression="flowRequestContext.getExternalContext().getNativeResponse()" result="viewScope.response" />
<evaluate expression="flowRequestContext.getActiveFlow().getApplicationContext().containsBean('shibboleth.CustomViewContext') ? flowRequestContext.getActiveFlow().getApplicationContext().getBean('shibboleth.CustomViewContext') : null" result="viewScope.custom" />
- </on-entry>
+ </on-render>
<transition on="propagate" to="LogoutPropagateView" />
<transition on="end" to="LogoutCompleteView" />
<!-- Terminus -->
Please see for further information.
Privacy laws, depending on the jurisdiction where the IdP is deployed, may require the IdP to get an explicit consent from the user before releasing personal information about the user to other parties. Thus, before proceeding with a SAML login and sending the user’s attributes to the Service Provider, the IdP must first obtain the user’s consent. This was historically done through a separate application, uApprove, which has now (in IdPV3) been integrated into the IdP as the consent module.
The consent module steps in the first time the user is logging in to a service, and asks the user for permission to release the required (and desired) attributes to the service. There are several options (discussed below) on when the user would be asked again - these depend on the choices made available in the configuration and on the selection user makes on the consent screen.
The consent module is turned on by default and can be used as it is, we however recommend doing (or at least considering) the following recommendations:
Check for value changes. In the default setting, the user would be asked to reconfirm only when the list of attributes being released changes. By turning on this feature, the user would be also asked when the values of the attributes change. Turn this feature on by adding the following line to $IDP_HOME/conf/
idp.consent.compareValues = true
Configure server-side database storage. By default, consent information would be stored in client-side cookies. That might be unexpected behavior for end-users - consent once granted would disappear when they switch browsers or devices or otherwise discard cookies. We also do not recommend server-side in memory storage (the only other pre-configured option), where contents of the storage would disappear when the server is restarted. We recommend configuring the JPA/Hibernate storage as per above and then configuring the consent module to user the JPA storage with:
Remove the limit on the number of consent records held (by default, 10
) by setting the limit to -1
(no limit):
idp.consent.maxStoredRecords = -1
The following property can be accepted with their default value, or they could be adjusted as needed:
#idp.consent.storageRecordLifetime = P1Y
#idp.consent.allowDoNotRemember = true
#idp.consent.allowGlobal = true
#idp.consent.allowPerAttribute = false
We also recommend to configure the order in which the attributes are rendered on the consent screen. As of 3.2.1, the consent module allows to set the attribute order through the order in which the attributes are listed in the AttributeDisplayOrder
bean. Edit IDP_HOME/conf/intercept/consent-intercept-config.xml
and uncomment the shibboleth.consent.attribute-release.AttributeDisplayOrder
bean and set the contents to:
<util:list id="shibboleth.consent.attribute-release.AttributeDisplayOrder">
Note: if setting this list, we recommend it includes all attributes defined by the IdP. If some attributes are not included, they’d be displayed in random order after the attributes included in the list - which would not be a consistent user experience.
No longer needed
Earlier versions of this documentation were instructing to explicitly release the attribute used for calculating the persistentNameID to make it visible to the PersistentID generator - and to hide this attribute from the consent screen. This was necessary for older versions of IdPv3, but for 3.2.0 and newer is no longer needed - see the last line in the ComputedID section of the upstream PersistentNameID documentation.
This documentation has been updated (in December 2016) in the configuring Persistent NameID section above to no longer add rules to explicitly release the attributes. As long as these rules are not present, it is also no longer necessary to hide the attribute from the consent screen as the original documentation was instructing here.
For completeness, the original instructions were:
Edit /opt/shibboleth-idp/dist/conf/intercept/consent-intercept-config.xml.dist
, locate the shibboleth.consent.attribute-release.BlacklistedAttributeIDs
and add the uid
attribute to the list:
--- /opt/shibboleth-idp/dist/conf/intercept/consent-intercept-config.xml.dist 2016-07-28 11:44:39.060776510 +1200
+++ consent-intercept-config.xml 2016-07-29 14:56:08.804113011 +1200
@@ -55,6 +55,7 @@
<util:list id="shibboleth.consent.attribute-release.BlacklistedAttributeIDs">
+ <value>uid</value>
This completes the consent configuration. In IdPV3, the login screen already comes configured with a check-box for resetting the consent information - which erases all consent information, including the global consent (if enabled and granted).
For additional information on configuring the consent module, please see the upstream documentation at
An institution may decide to bypass the consent module for Service Providers (SPs) operated by the institution internally - as the attributes being released are not crossing organizational boundaries. This can be configured by defining a conditon and attaching the condition as activationCondition
to the intercept/attribute-release
flow in /opt/shibboleth-idp/conf/intercept/profile-intercept.xml
activates the flow if attributes would be included in the SSO (true in most practical cases) or if per attribute consent is enabled (not enabled by default).AND
of the original condition and an expression over the RelyingPartyId (NOT matching a pattern describing SPs local to the institution).conf/intercept/profile-intercept.xml
Click here to expand the activationCondition bean definition
AvailableInterceptFlows bean after adding activationCondition
<bean id="shibboleth.AvailableInterceptFlows" parent="shibboleth.DefaultInterceptFlows" lazy-init="true">
<property name="sourceList">
<list merge="true">
<bean id="intercept/context-check" parent="shibboleth.InterceptFlow" />
<bean id="intercept/terms-of-use" parent="shibboleth.consent.TermsOfUseFlow" />
<bean id="intercept/attribute-release" parent="shibboleth.consent.AttributeReleaseFlow" p:activationCondition-ref="AttributeReleaseActivationCondition" />
AttributeReleaseActivationCondition bean definition
<bean id="AttributeReleaseActivationCondition" parent="shibboleth.Conditions.AND">
<!-- The default condition from system/conf/profile-intercept-system.xml -->
<bean parent="shibboleth.Conditions.OR">
<bean parent="shibboleth.Conditions.NOT">
<constructor-arg value="%{idp.consent.allowPerAttribute:false}" />
<bean class="net.shibboleth.idp.saml.profile.config.logic.IncludeAttributeStatementPredicate" />
<!-- A custom condition -->
<bean parent="shibboleth.Conditions.NOT">
<bean parent="shibboleth.Conditions.RelyingPartyId">
<bean class="" factory-method="containsPattern"
c:pattern="^https://[^/]+\.institution\.domain\.ac\.nz/shibboleth$" />
By default, uApprove would be representing attributes by their local alias - which may not provide the best possible user experience. Names like “eduPersonPrincipalName” look quite cryptic to an ordinary user. The metadata syntax allows to provide friendly names (even locale-specific multiple names) in the attribute-resolver.xml
file, and uApprove will pick the attribute names from there.
The syntax for specifying the attribute names is:
<AttributeDefinition xsi:type="Simple" id="email" >
<InputDataConnector ref="myLDAP" attributeNames="mail" />
<DisplayName xml:lang="en">Email address</DisplayName>
<AttributeEncoder xsi:type="SAML1String" name="urn:mace:dir:attribute-def:mail" />
<AttributeEncoder xsi:type="SAML2String" name="urn:oid:0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.3" friendlyName="mail" />
Add the following attribute descriptions for the respective attributes into attribute-resolver.xml
, right between the Dependency
and AttributeEncoder
uid: <DisplayName xml:lang="en">Local user ID</DisplayName>
email: <DisplayName xml:lang="en">Email address</DisplayName>
commonName: <DisplayName xml:lang="en">Common name</DisplayName>
surname: <DisplayName xml:lang="en">Surname</DisplayName>
givenName: <DisplayName xml:lang="en">Given name</DisplayName>
eduPersonPrincipalName: <DisplayName xml:lang="en">Global username (EPPN)</DisplayName>
samlSubjectID <DisplayName xml:lang="en">Unique ID</DisplayName>
samlPairwiseID <DisplayName xml:lang="en">Pairwise ID</DisplayName>
displayName: <DisplayName xml:lang="en">Display name</DisplayName>
organizationName: <DisplayName xml:lang="en">Institution name</DisplayName>
organizationalUnit: <DisplayName xml:lang="en">Organisational Unit</DisplayName>
homeOrganization: <DisplayName xml:lang="en">Institution domain</DisplayName>
homeOrganizationType: <DisplayName xml:lang="en">Institution type</DisplayName>
eduPersonAffiliation: <DisplayName xml:lang="en">Affiliation type</DisplayName>
eduPersonScopedAffiliation: <DisplayName xml:lang="en">Affiliation type (with institution)</DisplayName>
eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation: <DisplayName xml:lang="en">Primary affiliation type</DisplayName>
eduPersonEntitlement: <DisplayName xml:lang="en">Entitlements</DisplayName>
eduPersonAssurance: <DisplayName xml:lang="en">Identity assurance level</DisplayName>
eduPersonTargetedID: <DisplayName xml:lang="en">Targeted ID (opaque per-service username)</DisplayName>
auEduPersonSharedToken: <DisplayName xml:lang="en">Shared token</DisplayName>
auEduPersonLegalName: <DisplayName xml:lang="en">Legal name</DisplayName>
auEduPersonAffiliation <DisplayName xml:lang="en">Affiliation type (Australian extensions)</DisplayName>
postalAddress <DisplayName xml:lang="en">Business postal address</DisplayName>
telephoneNumber <DisplayName xml:lang="en">Business phone number</DisplayName>
mobileNumber <DisplayName xml:lang="en">Mobile phone number</DisplayName>
The IdP uses an encryption mechanism, primarily used for the client-side storage (storing information in encrypted client-side cookies), where the IdP relies on an AES secret key. This key needs to be periodically refreshed. The IdP can be configured to keep around a given number of past versions of the key (defaulting to 30). Any new information gets encrypted with the newest key; any information received encrypted with older key can still be decrypted as long as the old key is still retained. For further information, please see
In the Database Storage section above, we have recommended to configure server-side database storage to use instead of the client-side cookie storage service. If this has been done and the client-side storage is not being used, this step can be skipped.
Otherwise, configure a cron job that would be periodically refreshing the encryption key. The recommended command to refresh they key is:
IDP_HOME=/opt/shibboleth-idp JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java /opt/shibboleth-idp/bin/ --versionfile /opt/shibboleth-idp/credentials/sealer.kver --storefile /opt/shibboleth-idp/credentials/sealer.jks --storepass changeit --alias secret
To run this as a cronjob, run crontab -e
as either root
or tomcat
and add this entry to rotate the key each night:
3 3 * * * IDP_HOME=/opt/shibboleth-idp JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java /opt/shibboleth-idp/bin/ --versionfile /opt/shibboleth-idp/credentials/sealer.kver --storefile /opt/shibboleth-idp/credentials/sealer.jks --storepass changeit --alias secret
Reporting on federation usage is difficult, in particular because not all services use the centralized Discovery Service.
To address this, IdPv3 adds supporting for sending anonymized usage data in the F-TICKS format to a centralized log service (via syslog messages to UDP port 514).
Tuakiri runs such a service on hosts:
Once configured, an IdP would send a syslog message to the centralized log service for each session established. The message includes:
A sample message may look like:
To enable this service, please make the following changes (based on upstream instructions at
, uncomment and set:
to Tuakiri
for PROD deployments and Tuakiri-TEST
for DEV/TEST IdPsidp.fticks.algorithm
- just uncomment it, leaving it set to the SHA-256
hashing algorithmidp.fticks.salt
- set it to a value generated with:
openssl rand -base64 24
: set it to either
as per above (note that prior to 3.3.0, this setting did not exist in
and had to be added - from 3.3.0 onwards, it is present exists in commented out form)The resulting configuration may look like:
Earlier versions of this document were instructing to set idp.fticks.loghost
in $IDP_HOME/conf/logback.xml
- it is easier and simpler to have all logging configuration in
Optionally, if your IdP has non-Tuakiri traffic (such as bilateral arrangements with individual service providers) that should not be sent to the centralized log collection servers (if it is, it would still get discarded in subsequent processing), please follow these instructions:
Click here to expand the instructions to filter usage logging messages…
Define an ActivationCondition bean called TuakiriFTicksCondition
in $IDP_HOME/conf/global.xml
(in Tuakiri-TEST, replace the
labels with
<!-- based on -->
<bean id="TuakiriFTicksCondition" parent="shibboleth.Conditions.EntityDescriptor">
<constructor-arg name="pred">
<bean class="org.opensaml.saml.common.profile.logic.EntityGroupNamePredicate">
In $IDP_HOME/conf/
, set the idp.fticks.condition
property to use this bean:
idp.fticks.condition = TuakiriFTicksCondition
This property was only introduced in IdP 4.1.0. If your IdP is running on an earlier version (4.0.x), you can still activate this setting by directly modifying the activationCondition of the WriteFTICKSLog
bean in $IDP_HOME/
, but changes to files under system/
should be avoided - and will be overwritten on IdP upgrades.
However, if this change gets lost in an upgrade, the IdP will not break, just the behavior would return to default - send all FTICKS messages.
Preserving these instructions for historical reference (and for sites still on 4.0.x).
Click here to expand the instructions for filtering usage logs on IdP 4.0.x
Edit the definition of WriteFTICKSLog
bean in $IDP_HOME/system/flows/saml/saml-abstract-beans.xml
and instead of the default in-line activation condition, pass a reference to the bean defined above:
--- system/flows/saml/saml-abstract-beans.xml.dist 2020-07-14 18:02:32.742299470 +1200
+++ system/flows/saml/saml-abstract-beans.xml 2020-07-21 17:06:41.030977466 +1200
@@ -337,7 +337,7 @@
p:httpServletRequest-ref="shibboleth.HttpServletRequest" />
<bean id="WriteFTICKSLog" class="net.shibboleth.idp.saml.audit.impl.WriteFTICKSLog" scope="prototype"
- p:activationCondition="#{'%{idp.fticks.federation:null}' != 'null'}"
+ p:activationCondition-ref="TuakiriFTicksCondition"
p:digestAlgorithm="#{'%{idp.fticks.algorithm:SHA-256}'.trim()}" p:salt="%{idp.fticks.salt:}" />
service tomcat restart
Please make sure the firewall permits outgoing UDP packets to port 514 (at least for the Tuakiri log collection server)
We recommend operating an IdP with SELinux in enforcing mode.
Since CentOS 7.4, Tomcat runs inside a confined domain, providing additional security. However, as a result, there are additional configuration steps that need to be taken go give the IdP application (or to Tomcat as the application server) permissions to access certain files.
Implementing these steps is required - otherwise, the IdP would fail to start.
The IdP needs R/W access to /opt/shibboleth-idp
- primarily read access, but write access for updating local copies of federation metadata and attribute filters.
Tomcat has R/W access to content labeled as tomcat_var_lib_t
. However, as the IdP also needs access to the back-channel certificate in /opt/shibboleth-idp/credentials
, we need to use the cert_t
label here - to give both Apache and Tomcat read access to the certificate.
Install the policycoreutils-python
package to get the semanage
yum install policycoreutils-python
Create file-context rules for labeling files as per above:
semanage fcontext -a -t tomcat_var_lib_t '/opt/shibboleth-idp(/.*)?'
semanage fcontext -a -t cert_t '/opt/shibboleth-idp/credentials(/.*)?'
Relabel existing files under /opt/shibboleth-idp
to match these rules:
restorecon -R /opt/shibboleth-idp
Allow Tomcat to talk to the dabase (new in CentOS/RHEL 7.6)
setsebool -P tomcat_can_network_connect_db on
On CentOS 7.4 only, it is necessary to implement a workaround to give Tomcat permission to connect to MySQL.
On CentOS 7.5, the missing permission has been added and this workaround is no longer necessary - you can skip the rest of this section.
If you are running CentOS 7.4, please unfold the box below to see the details of the workaround - archived otherwise for histroical purposes only.
Click here to expand…
Tomat needs to be able to connect to MySQL - and unfortunately, this has been so far omitted in the SELinux policy for target. While we expect this to be fixed in future updates to the SELinux policy, for now, we have to use a workaround - create a custom policy module.
Create a policy type enforcement file defining a policy module tomcat-to-mysql
- in a working directory (e.g., /root/inst
) create tomcat-to-mysql.te
with the following contents:
module tomcat-to-mysql 1.0;
require {
type tomcat_t;
type mysqld_port_t;
class tcp_socket name_connect;
#============= tomcat_t ==============
allow tomcat_t mysqld_port_t:tcp_socket name_connect;
Compile, package and load the module with:
checkmodule -m -M -o tomcat-to-mysql.mod tomcat-to-mysql.te
semodule_package -o tomcat-to-mysql.pp -m tomcat-to-mysql.mod
semodule -i tomcat-to-mysql.pp
With these in place, Tomcat should have all the SELinux permissions required and the IdP should operate normally.
Since version 3.4.0, the IdP supports HSTS - HTTP Strict Transport Security:
This setting is controlled by the idp.hsts
property in
To enable HSTS, change its max-age property from the default value 0 (disabled) to a reasonably long value (industry practice is at least 6 months, preferably 1 year):
idp.hsts = max-age=31536000
Please see the IdPv3 wiki for further information. Useful pages for additional configuration options are:
Earlier versions of this documentation included a workaround needed for IdP 3.1.x only.
Click here to expand historical IdP 3.1.x compatbility workaround… (no action required on IdP 3.2.0+)
Login breaks on IdP 3.1.x with SPs misconfigured to request AuthenticationType urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:ac:classes:unspecified
Version 2 IdP just ignores that misconfiguration and login works. Version 3.2.0 includes a proper workaround, allowing to add a list of contexts to be ignored, with this value being included by default.
On IdP 3.1.x, as an interim workaround, modify $IDP_HOME/system/conf/general-authn-system.xml
and add this value to the list of supportedPrincipals
in the shibboleth.AuthenticationFlow
--- /opt/shibboleth-idp/system/conf/general-authn-system.xml.dist 2015-11-18 10:55:36.713111653 +1300
+++ /opt/shibboleth-idp/system/conf/general-authn-system.xml 2015-11-18 10:55:39.520094266 +1300
@@ -40,6 +40,8 @@
c:classRef="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:ac:classes:PasswordProtectedTransport" />
<bean parent="shibboleth.SAML2AuthnContextClassRef"
c:classRef="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:ac:classes:Password" />
+ <bean parent="shibboleth.SAML2AuthnContextClassRef"
+ c:classRef="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:ac:classes:unspecified" />
<bean parent="shibboleth.SAML1AuthenticationMethod"
c:method="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.0:am:password" />
For further details, please see
Note that as this interim workaround is applied to a file under $IDP_HOME/system/
, it would get overwritten in an upgrade - but, the next version the upgrade would be introducing should already have the proper permanent workaround included.
No action is required on IdP 3.2.0+
Make all files under /opt/shibboleth-idp owned by Tomcat:
chown -R tomcat.tomcat /opt/shibboleth-idp
For extra security, you may consider making files where passwords to MySQL are stored readable only to the Tomcat users:
chmod 600 /opt/shibboleth-idp/conf/ /opt/shibboleth-idp/conf/attribute-resolver.xml
Start MySQL, Tomcat and Apache and make them auto start:
systemctl enable mariadb
systemctl start mariadb
systemctl enable tomcat
systemctl start tomcat
systemctl enable httpd
systemctl start httpd
In a default install, the IdP login screen is displaying the Shibboleth project logo, a default prompt for username and password, and text (embedded in the logo) saying that this screen should be customized. To establish trust with users, this page should at the very least have the proper institution logo and name and the instructions to customize the page should be removed. Each institution may also wish to customize the graphics to match the style of their login pages - and also the consent pages, logout pages and error pages to give a consistent professional look.
Historically, all of the pages have been JSP pages. While JSP is still left as an option, the default way IdPV3 renders these pages is from a Velocity template under $IDP_HOME/views
. The main advantage is not having to rebuild the IdP WAR file after a change to the dynamic pages.
However, any images, css files (as well as any other static HTML content) are served from within the WAR file. But, for development of the branding, this can be worked around with Apache aliases to serve the files directly - see below.
We therefore recommend customizing the Velocity login page (and a few additional pages), adding supplementary images and CSS files (or modify existing) as needed, and leave out the JSP files.
The Velocity templates can be configured through message properties defined in message property files. The exact location depends on the IdP version.
- which should NOT be modified - and any customizations should instead be inserted into $IDP_HOME/messages/
(initially blank).We recommend configuring at least the following properties:
- HTML TITLE to use across all of the IdP page templates. We recommend settings this to something like University of Example Login Service
- relative path (within the application) to the logo to render on the templates. E.g., /images/logo.jpg
and the web application WAR file has to be rebuilt with $IDP_HOME/bin/
- the ALT text for your logo. Should be changed from the default value (where the text asks for the logo to be replaced). Suggested value: University of Example Logo
- footer that displays on (almost) all pages. Suggested value: anything appropriate for your institution, e.g., Copyright University of Example
- footer that displays on some error pages. Suggested value: same as for idp.footer
, e.g., Copyright University of Example
.Overall, the changed message properties might look like:
idp.title = University of Example Login Service
idp.logo = /images/logo.jpg
idp.logo.alt-text = University of Example logo
idp.footer = Copyright University of Example
root.footer = Copyright University of Example
This would cover the basic customization. Depending on branding requirements, it may be sufficient to edit the CSS files in $IDP_HOME/edit-webapp/css
, or it may be necessary to start editing the template pages.
Most of the branding can be done with CSS and with customizing messages in $IDP_HOME/messages/
(and also
in the same directory.
Please note that the consent module uses a separate CSS file: while the login page and most other pages use $IDP_HOME/edit-webapp/css/main.css
, the consent module uses $IDP_HOME/edit-webapp/css/consent.css
with different element names.
Note that if using CSS to customize the logo appearance, while the consent module pages use the federation_logo
class on the logo <img>
element, the other pages (login and logout) do not. It may help to edit these templates and add class="federation_logo"
to the logo <img>
Besides the logo, the login page (and several other pages) display a toolbox on the right with placeholders for links to password-reset and help-desk pages. These can be customized by editing $IDP_HOME/messages/
and setting (with values appropriate to local context):
idp.url.password.reset =
idp.url.helpdesk =
Alternatively, it is also possible to hide the whole toolbox (the whole <div class="column two">
element) from all of the relevant pages (essentially, login.vm
and all (three) logout pages: logout.vm
, logout-complete.vm
and logout.propagate
). This can be easily done by adding the following CSS snippet into $IDP_HOME/edit-webapp/css/main.css
.column.two {
display: none;
Overall, the pages under $IDP_HOME/views
we recommend customizing are:
- the main login pagelogout.vm
, logout-complete.vm
, and logout-propagate.vm
- the pages used in Single Log Out (SLO)error.vm
- generic error-handling pageFor any change done to one page, we recommend applying the change to all of the above pages.
An additional page to customize (but based on a different template) is:
- attribute release page.This page still reuses the Logo settings from
above, but does not have the toolbox and footer used by the other three pages above. It is a deployment decision whether to unify the look of these pages or keep the slightly different look of the attribute release page.
We however recommend to at least change the width of the .box
element in /opt/shibboleth-idp/edit-webapp/css/consent.css
from 600px to 800px to accommodate the full width of the friendly attribute names:
diff --git a/idp-war/src/main/webapp/css/consent.css b/idp-war/src/main/webapp/css/consent.css
index 5daabeed0..a5b6313b3 100644
--- edit-webapp/css/consent.css.orig
+++ edit-webapp/css/consent.css
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
.box {
- width:600px;
+ width:800px;
margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto;
margin-top: 50px;
Earlier versions of this documentation were recommending to aid with developing the branding by temporarily serving the CSS and image files out of the /opt/shibboleth-idp/webapp
directory directly. However, since Shibboleth IdP 3.4.0, the webapp
directory is considered a temporary artififact of the build process and the build script deletes it after building the WAR file. (And this technique was also getting more complicated with Apache and Tomcat being in different SELinux containers). Therefore, these instructions have been removed.
When done with changes to the images and css directories, remember to rebuild the WAR file and restart Tomcat:
service tomcat restart
The IdPV3 software comes with an administrative interface, that provides several functions:
For all of these functions, the IdP uses a (configurable) access control mechanism - which is initially the same across all the above functions and is by default IP addressed based, permitting only localhost.
The policy in use can be configured in the $IDP_HOME/conf/admin/general-admin.xml
The policy selection used to be in $IDP_HOME/conf/
with the below properties - but this has been removed in 3.3.x. Now the policy selection is done in $IDP_HOME/conf/admin/general-admin.xml
idp.status.accessPolicy= AccessByIPAddress
idp.resolvertest.accessPolicy= AccessByIPAddress
idp.reload.accessPolicy= AccessByIPAddress
The policy itself is configured in $IDP_HOME/conf/access-control.xml
and we recommend adding at least the external address of the IdP itself to allow resolver testing to work. And it would be also recommended to add the IP address of the local monitoring system to permit monitoring access, and possibly also the IP address of a management console from where an admin could trigger the reload of the services (this can be the IdP itself the administrator is able to run a browser there).
The IP addresses are specified as a comma-separated list of CIDR expressions - the example below adds a single IPv4 address to the default configuration (permitting IPv4 and IPv6 localhost):
<util:map id="shibboleth.AccessControlPolicies">
<entry key="AccessByIPAddress">
<bean parent="shibboleth.IPRangeAccessControl"
p:allowedRanges="#{ {'', '::1/128', '' } }" />
After configuring access, the administrative functions can be accessed with either a browser or any HTTP capable tool, by accessing the following URLs:
for the full list of services (or the ouput of the status page above)Earlier versions of the IdP (2.x) had a publicly accessible URL /idp/profile/Status that would return simple “ok”. This URL was long marked as deprecated and has been removed in IdPV3…
The best way to test an IdP is to try to log into a Service Provider in the federation. Tuakiri provides a service specifically designed for this purpose, the Attribute Validator. The Attribute Validator displays all of the attributes received from the IdP, and in addition to that performs a number of checks to confirm the values are valid. Tuakiri is running an attribute reflector in both Tuakiri-production and Tuakiri-TEST federations. Both reflectors are running as standalone services at URLs listed below and are requesting all attributes available in the federation - hence, they work very well for testing all the attributes released by your IdP.
The attribute reflector URLs are:
An alternative tool for testing IdP is the Attribute Authority Command Line Interface client -
The tool output is the whole set of attributes that would be released for this user to the given user (the Tuakiri Attribute Validator in the example below - if testing for another service, pass the entityId of the service in the --requester
Contrary to how this tool functioned in earlier version (2.x - where it launched the full IdP engine in parallel), the tool uses the resolvertest functionality on the IdP itself (see Administrative Interface above - also for instructions on setting up access control).
We recommend connecting the tool to the IdP via the public-facing HTTPS interface (as the default Apache idp.conf does not map the plain-http space to the IdP tomcat web application). Therefore, run the aacli tool as:
$IDP_HOME/bin/ --principal TEST-USER --requester --url
where the parameters are:
Alternatively, it is also possible to access the resolvertest URL directly via a browser (as documented above in Administrative Interface). These URLs are subject to access control (by default accessible only from localhost); the options for gaining access include:
command locally - by default, only localhost is on the ACL, so even the external IP address of the IdP host would have to be explicitlly added for connections going via the external hostname.localhost
is in the AccessByIPAddress
ACL, so it would be required to either add the external address of the IdP host to the ACL, or connect via localhost
ssh idp -L 8443:localhost:443
and then accessing the IdP at https://localhost:8443/idp/profile/admin/resolvertestOther options for testing including using the UnsolicitedSSO: invoking a URL directly at the IdP and pretending as if an SP initiated the request. This can be used for testing even in situations where the IdP is not yet registered in the federation (but is already loading the federation metadata). While the SSO would not be accepted by the SP in that case (the IdP would not be trusted through the federation), it allows to test the full login and attribute release process at the IdP. To test SSO against the Tuakiri Attribute Reflector, open the following URL (substituting the correct IdP hostname):